Admission to our university takes place via matriculation, also called enrollment. You can only enroll if you have successfully passed the aptitude test procedure. You will then receive a letter of admission with information on how to enroll in the degree program.
In order to successfully complete your studies at HfMT Cologne, you must have sufficient German language skills.
After enrollment, you will receive your study book. Information on this, as well as other helpful hints for your start of studies, can be found on the Start of Studies page.
The following contact point is available for further questions:
The most important facts in a nutshell:
Important: The re-registration for the next semester is automatically blocked in case of outstanding health insurance contributions. After payment of the outstanding contributions, the block is automatically removed and re-registration for the nextsemesteris possible.
Information on compulsory insurance:
Students must have health and nursing care insurance in accordance with § 5 Para. 1 No. 9 of the German Social Security Code (SGB V). You have the option of taking out statutory or private insurance. Please note: If you take out private insurance, it is usually not possible to switch to a statutory health insurance fund until you have completed your studies.
From the age of 30, the compulsory student insurance ends. In this case, please submit a confirmation from your health insurance company that you are exempt from compulsory insurance.
Please contact your health insurance company or the Social Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk for more information.
For enrollment at the Hochschule, prospective students request their health insurance company to notify the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln of their insured status (legally or not legally insured). For this purpose, the health insurance company electronically creates a message "M10", which contains, among other things, information on name, gender, address and date of birth as well as health insurance number and company number of the health insurance company, and sends it to the university.
The sender number of HfMT Cologne is H0000962.
Re-registration for the next semester will be automatically blocked in case of outstanding health insurance contributions. After the outstanding amounts have been paid, the block will be lifted and re-registration for the next semester will be possible.
The semester fee consists of the following amounts: Semesterticket (Deutschland-Semesterticket), social fees for the Student Union, AStA contributions for student self-administration, university sports and social hardship coverage.
All students must re-register for each semester, i.e. apply to continue their studies. This re-registration must take place during the deadlines set by the university. Re-registration takes place through payment of the semester fees and, if applicable, proof of other required documents: Re-registration