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Show faces

In order to showcase and strengthen the diversity of the university, the podcast gives a voice to the "faces" of the university. In each podcast, new people enter into dialog - with space for personal insights, social issues and historical events.

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Name Kontaktdaten
Lea Jung
Fabian Ceska in conversation with Toni Ming Geiger about home and visions
Anna Schlütz in conversation with Laura Herhaus about visibility and gender equality work
Stella Göke in conversation with Nayeb Behbahani about Mathilde Marchesi (*1821)
Johanna Hoffmann in conversation with Rebecca Schneider about Else Thalheimer (*1898)
Hildegard Anders in conversation with Elio Herrera about the passion for music
Anna Nikolay in conversation with Artur Gust about dream jobs (and soccer)
Vincent Hagedorn in conversation with Michael Rappe about privilege and responsibility
Sophie Halcour in conversation with Valerie Wehrens about stereotypes and diversity in dance
Adriana Rolao in conversation with Prof. Dr. Florence Millet and Yuval Dvoran about Maria Herz (*1878)
Anna Schneider in conversation with Heinz Geuen and Jürgen Terhag about Grete Wehmeyer (*1924)
Stella Göke in conversation with Yves Schwarze about Eduard Erdmann (*1896)
Lynn Rabael Poppke in conversation with Prof. Nathalia Ardila-Mantilla about cultural diversity and informal learning
Luca Wohlfarth in conversation with Dr. Contanze Schellow on the topic of dance and diversity
Melissa Tunç talked with Sebastian Varra & Demetris Vasilakis about their video project "In Between The Obvious"
Maurice Koenen in conversation with Sofia Karagianni about origin and diversity at the HfMT Cologne