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Bachelor of Music -
Elementary Music

Artistically diverse - pedagogically practice-oriented.

The Elementary Music Pedagogy (EMP) course offers you the opportunity to express yourself artistically in a variety of ways on different instruments, with your voice and in movement, while also exploring the aims, content and methods of making music with different age groups.
EMP students at the HfMT Cologne receive 90 minutes of main subject tuition per week. This gives them the opportunity to train as musicians at the highest level in order to shape their artistic and pedagogical work on this basis.
The aim is to achieve a balance between performing (technical, reproducing) and creative (creative, designing) activities. The degree in EMP qualifies you for an interesting, varied profession with increasing demand at music schools and extracurricular institutions where music education is offered to children, young people and adults.
By choosing profiles, you can set your own focus according to your individual interests. At both locations, you have the opportunity to specialize in instrumental or vocal pedagogy in a profile or to develop your own profile from the university's overall range of courses. Information on further profiles can be found below under the headings Profile Cologne or Profile Wuppertal.

If you have any questions about the degree program, please get in touch with the relevant contact person(s).

Basic information

Degree Bachelor of Music
Period of study 8 Semester
Course begin Wintersemester
ECTS points 240 Credits
Major subjects Bağlama, Blockflöte, Cembalo, Fagott, Gesang, Gitarre, Harfe, Horn, Klarinette, Klavier, Kontrabass, Laute, Mandoline, Oboe, Orgel, Posaune, Producing/DAW, Querflöte, Saxophon, Trompete, Tuba, Viola, Viola da Gamba, Violine, Violoncello

Additional information

Possible majors: EMP can be studied at both the Cologne and Wuppertal campuses.

  • Bağlama, voice, horn, trumpet, trombone, bassoon, clarinet, oboe, flute, violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, piano, guitar


  • Tuba, saxophone, harpsichord, organ, harp, lute, LIP (song accompaniment, improvisation, score playing), viola da gamba, jazz/pop (for possible majors, see jazz/pop degree course)


  • Mandolin
Impressions from the study program
Unterrichtssituation Elementare Musikpädagogik mit Professorin, Studierenden und Kindern.
Unterrichtssituation Elementare Musikpädagogik mit zwei Kindern und Professor.
Gruppenbild mit Studierenden in der Stadt Köln beim Projekt PopUp.

Applications are submitted online via the muvac platform. All information on the procedure can be found on our application page.

Admission requirements

  • General university entrance qualification or a comparable university entrance qualification
  • Proof of a TestDaF 3 language certificate for non-German-speaking applicants
  • Successfully passed aptitude test

Qualifying examination

The aptitude test consists of the following three parts:

  1. Artistic-practical examination in the instrumental or vocal main subject (duration: max. 15 minutes)
  2. Artistic-pedagogical examination: This lasts approximately 75 minutes, plus 30 minutes preparation time, and consists of the following parts:
    1. Group improvisation
    2. Movement design
    3. Developing/instructing a body percussion, speaking/singing one's own lyrics
    4. Percussion
    5. Discussion about the examination process as well as study and career interests
  3. Music theory examination: ear training (written) and elementary theory of movement (written), total duration: 90 minutes

Detailed information can be found in the aptitude test regulations in the appendix, in particular on the structure and conduct of the aptitude test. After registering for the qualifying examination, you will be activated for a page containing practical examples and tutorials for the second part of the examination (artistic-pedagogical examination).

The study program not only offers space to develop a versatile artistic profile, but also provides a sound theoretical foundation and a variety of opportunities for application in practice. In pedagogical and specialized didactic seminars, students deal with the goals and contents of EMP. In continuous teaching experiments with people of different age groups (babies and toddlers, early childhood, children of elementary school age, adolescents and adults) we enable our students to perceive and develop themselves as teaching personalities, to test existing didactic concepts, to question them critically and to think them further. Our pedagogical concept includes numerous practical courses in close cooperation with music schools, general education schools and other cultural and social institutions for children, adolescents and adults.

The EMP program is composed of eight modules:

  1. Core module
  2. Artistic-practical context
  3. Education
  4. Mediation
  5. Professionalization
  6. Bachelor thesis/ Interdisciplinary project
  7. Supplement
  8. Focus

Collegial - Individual - Successful


Appreciative cooperation is a matter of course for us, and not only in lessons with different practice groups. This is expressed both in team teaching processes and in the reflection of our own attitudes and prejudices, whether in relation to the relationship between teachers and learners, the examination of different understandings of art and music or a diversity-sensitive attitude.


Students at the Cologne location can choose from the profiles Music Education / Concert Design, Music Education / Music Education Research, MIK (Music Performance, Improvisation, Composition) as well as Dance in Cultural Education or compile their own profile with an artistic or pedagogical focus from the extensive and diverse range of courses.

All profiles have in common that there are cross-connections with other study programs and/or concert halls on site. For example, the profile Music Education/Concert Design regularly cooperates with the Cologne Philharmonic Orchestra, while the profile Music Education/Music Education Research offers events in which research projects are planned and discussed with Master's students and doctoral candidates. A scientific profile can be deepened at the Cologne location in the subsequent Master of Arts and, if necessary, rounded off with a dissertation on an EMP-specific topic. In the profile MIK, offers can be chosen from various courses of study in the fields of performance, improvisation and composition. In the profile Dance in Cultural Education, there are regular collaborations with concert halls and festivals that result in public performances, including the music festival "Acht Brücken - Musik für Köln". Offers from the field of dance are also opened up for this profile.


Projects and ideas from students are professionally supported. In recent years, Cologne EMP students have been successful several times in the university competition for music pedagogy and have been awarded other prizes (Sigrid Abel Struth Prize, International Music Pedagogy Competition). In addition, EMP graduates are successfully working in music schools as well as in daycare centers, concert halls, music academies and in other professional fields.

At the Wuppertal location you can choose the profiles Music Education / Cooperative Projects, Ensemble Conducting and Music Education / Music Theater / Musical. In addition, you can choose from courses offered at the Profil Individuale location and EMPRI (Elementary Music Pedagogy at the Primary Level), a cooperation with the Music Department at the Begrische Universität Wuppertal.

The IGP/EMP Office has been in existence since the summer semester of 2016 and is currently made up of four student assistants from Department 5. The tasks of the IGP/EMP office include answering questions (e.g. about the study plan, module manuals and examination regulations, etc.) about the study programs Instrumental Pedagogy, Voice Pedagogy and Elementary Music Pedagogy as well as the Instrumental and Voice Pedagogy profile.
In addition, the student assistants are trained to pass on information on subject didactics, registration for module examinations (teaching samples and colloquium) and on all required internships and the supplementary internship reports. Students may also contact the IGP/EMP team with questions regarding the content of the module examination colloquium and the Bachelor's thesis. The IGP/EMP office acts as a communication hub between the IGP and EMP program directors, university lecturers, mentors and students. The IGP/EMP team is available during weekly office hours for personal or telephone inquiries and can be reached by mail.

You can find a list of our lecturers on the following page.

The EMP degree qualifies graduates for a varied profession with high and increasing demand at music schools. Graduates of the course also work in concert halls, daycare centers and in cooperation projects with general education schools. They can work in further and continuing education as well as in various extracurricular institutions that offer music education for children, young people and adults.

Lastenfahrrad PopUp vor dem Kölner Dom
Project Pop-Up-EMP

What is it?

Pop-Up means that we are mobile with our cargo bike and trailer and suddenly "pop up" in different places. With Pop-Up-EMP we invite all people to discover and activate their musical resources with us. Music is part of being human. However, the musical activity of children and young people in Germany still depends strongly on the education and income of the parental home. With Pop-Up-EMP we would like to make a contribution to educational justice. With the help of our electric cargo trailer for bicycles we are flexible and mobile and at the same time contribute to the reduction of CO2. For more information, please visit the Pop-Up-EMP homepage.

You can find more videos on our YouTube channel.

Current events

Konzert für die Kleinsten
Kammermusiksaal Köln
Konzert für die Kleinsten


Portrait Prof. Dr. Claudia Meyer
Prof. Dr. Claudia Meyer
Telephone +49 / (0)221 / 28380 - 117
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 14
50668 Köln
Portrait Prof. Sarah Semke
Prof. Sarah Semke
Elementare Musikpädagogik
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Sedanstraße 15
42275 Wuppertal