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Bachelor of Music -

Play, think and experience.

The bachelor's degree program in harp at the Cologne University of Music and Dance is characterized by the specific teaching of Professor Han-An Liu. A special focus is placed on the phenomenology of music in her main subject teaching (see "Special features"). The main subject teaching is supported by further study content on topics such as musicology, music theory and music pedagogy. The practical part of the studies is supported by the main subject lessons and especially by the orchestra phases and chamber music lessons. For the subject harp, there is already the possibility to take up a junior study or to learn the instrument at the Pre-College Cologne in addition to the bachelor study program.

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact the responsible contact person.


Basic information

Degree Bachelor of Music
Period of study 8 Semester
Course begin Wintersemester
ECTS points 240 Credits
Major subjects Harfe
Continuing study options Master of Music Harp, Master of Music Interpretation New Music, Master of Music Chamber Music, Concert exam
Impressions from the study program
Studierende spielt Harfe auf der Bühne.
Leerer Konzertsaal und auf der Bühne eine Harfe und im Hintergrund weitere Instrumenten.

Special features of the study

Phenomenology of music

In the harp course, Professor Han-An Liu is particularly interested in the phenomenology of music. She says, "My intensive study of the phenomenology of music shapes my approach to teaching. The background is the philosophy of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938). Husserl writes that "every act of experiencing consciousness, however single, is not isolated, but necessarily implies in itself an infinite horizon of inactual co-founding validities." With regard to music, it can be said that a musical context can be pursued only if the simultaneity of mental apprehension is guaranteed. Otherwise the unity disintegrates, the music loses its "red thread" and dissolves into a series of unrelated details. Accordingly, I attach great value to perception. To support the student to perceive as it is and thereby encounter something great is my passion. I am concerned with people in a holistic sense and helping them become and grow with joy and a pioneering spirit."

Applications are submitted online via the muvac platform. All information on the procedure can be found on our application page.

Admission requirements

  • General university entrance qualification or a comparable university entrance qualification
  • Proof of a TestDaF 3 language certificate for non-German-speaking applicants
  • Successfully passed aptitude test

Qualifying examination

The aptitude test consists of the following three parts:

  1. Artistic-practical examination in the main subject (duration approx. 15 minutes)
  2. Artistic-practical examination in the minor subject (duration: approx. 10 minutes)
  3. Music theory: aural training (written exam, duration: approx. 90 minutes); composition (written exam, duration: approx. 3 hours).

Detailed information can be found in the aptitude test regulations, especially in the appendix for content requirements and conduct of the test. For the artistic courses of study, we recommend that you contact the main subject teacher of your choice in good time; they will be happy to advise you personally.

The program is divided into a basic study period (1st and 2nd year) with a high proportion of compulsory modules and a differentiated main study period (3rd and 4th year).
The structural framework is formed by 6 main modules and the profile-forming module 8:

  1. Core module (main subject teaching)
  2. artistic-practical context (orchestra, chamber music, minor subject)
  3. education (ear training, music theory, musicology)
  4. mediation (didactics)
  5. professionalization (musicianship, etc.)
  6. Bachelor thesis / interdisciplinary project
  7. Profile formation, it is possible to choose between the profile orchestra and the profile instrumental pedagogy.

Fachdidaktik Harfe

  • Eva-Marie Blumschein-CeplKöln


  • Agnieszka GralakAachen
  • Prof. Han-An LiuKöln

Korrepetition Harfe

  • Ani Ter-Martirosyan, Korrepetition Streicher – Köln
Ein Finger zeigt auf einen Notenständer mit Noten.
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Prof. Han-An Liu
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Unter Krahnenbäumen 87
50668 Köln