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Bachelor of Music -
Percussion / Timpani

Love letters to the sense of rhythm.

Students in the timpani and percussion classes can focus on the orchestra or instrumental pedagogy profiles during their four years of study. Career aspirations and predispositions are the basis for their decision, which can also be adapted to current changes during their studies.

Internationally renowned soloists and pedagogues pass on their skills to the students. The high number of successful graduates who were able to establish themselves professionally after their studies or prize winners of international competitions confirm the high level of systematic pedagogical development. The resulting attractiveness prompts many highly talented applicants to qualify for a place at HfMT Cologne.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the relevant person(s).

Basic information

Degree Bachelor of Music
Period of study 8 Semester
Course begin Wintersemester
ECTS points 240 Credits
Major subjects Pauke/Schlagzeug
Continuing study options Master of Music Chamber Music, Master of Music Orchestral Playing, Master of Music Drums

Additional information

Further study options: Master of Music Timpani / Percussion, Master of Music Solo / Chamber Music

Impressions from the study program
Pauken im Kölner Dom.
Studierender mit großen Becken.
Verschiedene Schlagzeuginstrumente auf der Bühne des Konzertsaals am Standort Köln.
Ausschnitt einer Hand an einer Pauke.

Applications are submitted online via the muvac platform. All information on the procedure can be found on our application page.

Admission requirements

  • General university entrance qualification or a comparable university entrance qualification
  • Proof of a TestDaF 3 language certificate for non-German-speaking applicants
  • Successfully passed aptitude test

Qualifying examination

The aptitude test consists of three parts

  1. Practical artistic examination in the main subject (duration approx. 15 minutes)
  2. Artistic-practical examination in the minor subject piano (duration approx. 10 minutes)
  3. Music theory: aural training, elementary composition (two written exams, total duration approx. 90 minutes)

Detailed information can be found in the aptitude test regulations, especially in the appendix for content requirements and conduct of the test.
For the artistic courses of study, we recommend that you contact the main subject teacher of your choice in good time; they will be happy to advise you personally.
Applications for the qualifying examination must be submitted by March 1.

The program is divided into a basic study period (1st and 2nd year) with a high proportion of compulsory modules and a differentiated main study period (3rd and 4th year).
The structural framework is formed by 6 main modules and the profile-forming module 8:

  1. Core module
  2. Artistic-practical context
  3. Education
  4. Mediation
  5. Professionalization
  6. Bachelor thesis / Interdisciplinary project
  7. Profile-forming module instrumentalist or instrumental pedagogy

Fachdidaktik Schlagzeug

  • Torsten WenzKöln

Pauke und Schlagzeug

  • Prof. h.c. Honorarprofessor Falko OesterleKöln
  • Patrick KerskenAachen


  • Mathias HausWuppertal


  • Miroslaw PyschnyWuppertal
  • Dirk RothbrustKöln
  • Alexander VesperKöln
  • Prof. Lukas BöhmWuppertal
  • Peter HänschKöln
  • Norbert KrämerKöln

Schlagzeug / Pauken

  • Prof. Carlos TarchaKöln

Current events

Konzert Bundesjugend-Percussionensemble "bundesbeat"
Kammermusiksaal Köln
Konzert Bundesjugend-Percussionensemble "bundesbeat"
Ein Finger zeigt auf einen Notenständer mit Noten.
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Portrait Prof. Lukas Böhm
Prof. Lukas Böhm
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Sedanstr. 15
42275 Wuppertal