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Bachelor of Music -

Setting the tone.

The Bachelor of Music Vocal program includes basic training in the first two years of study with main subject instruction in singing, song and aria interpretation, general musical education and piano performance, movement training, body work, basic scenic instruction as well as speech training and Italian. In addition, students are instructed in basic anatomical, vocal physiological, and specialized didactic knowledge.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the appropriate person.

Basic information

Degree Bachelor of Music
Period of study 8 Semester
Course begin Wintersemester
ECTS points 240 Credits
Major subjects Gesang
Continuing study options Master of Music Voice Song/Concert, Master of Music Voice Musical Theater, Master of Music Historical instruments & baroque singin, Master of Music Interpretation New Music

Special features of the study

After the first two years of study, students have the opportunity to choose between two study profiles:

  • Opera/Concert profile
  • Profile Voice Pedagogy

This allows for a professionally oriented intensification of the studies and, with a successful graduation, a practice-oriented, professionally qualifying preparation for entering professional life in a new way. The degree program consists of a public artistic-practical examination with a written component as well as further examination achievements related to the chosen profile.

Impressions from the study program
Professorin mit zwei Studierenden beim Gesangsunterricht.
Professor mit zwei Studierenden beim Gesangsunterricht mit einem Klavier.
Professor mit einer Studierenden beim Gesangsunterricht mit Notenständer..
Professor mit drei Studierenden beim Gesangsunterricht.

Applications are submitted online via the muvac platform. All information on the procedure can be found on our application page.

Admission requirements

  • General university entrance qualification or a comparable university entrance qualification
  • Proof of a TestDaF 3 language certificate for non-German-speaking applicants
  • Successfully passed aptitude test

Qualifying examination

The aptitude test consists of the following two parts:

  1. Artistic-practical examination in the main subject (duration approx. 15 minutes)
  2. Artistic-practical examination in the minor subject piano (duration approx. 10 minutes)
  3. Music theory (elementary theory of movements/aural training) (written exams, duration together approx. 90 minutes)

Detailed information can be found in the Qualifying Examination Regulations, especially in the appendix for content requirements and conduct of the examination.
We recommend that you contact the major subject teacher of your choice in good time. They will be happy to advise you personally.

It is possible to contact the major subject teacher directly to arrange an individual consultation.

The Bachelor of Music degree program with the profiles Voice Opera/Concert and Voice Pedagogy is divided into a basic study program (1st and 2nd year) with compulsory subjects in modules, which is structured in the same way for both profiles, and a main study program (3rd and 4th year), in which in the form of a focus module the study direction Voice Opera/Concert or Voice Pedagogy can be chosen with the corresponding subject-specific training subjects.

The following 8 modules determine the course of study:

  1. Core module
  2. Artistic-practical context
  3. Education
  4. Mediation
  5. Professionalization
  6. Bachelor thesis/interdisciplinary project
  7. Supplement
  8. Focus modules with corresponding deepening of the teaching contents of 1st,2nd,4th and 5th semester.

After the 4th semester there is a special module examination in the main subject singing, the passing of which opens the entrance into the main study. The bachelor's program is completed by a final core module examination in the main subject and a bachelor's project or a bachelor's thesis.

Deutsch für ausländische Gesangsstudierende

  • Christine WehlerAachen

Fachdidaktik Gesang, Gesang (NF), Solfège vom-Blatt-Singen

  • Marlies Buchmann-BechtholdAachen


  • Raimund NolteAachen
  • Prof. Thomas PiffkaAachen
  • Prof. Gideon PoppeKöln
  • Raimonds SpogisKöln
  • Patricio Arroyo-LesuisseKöln
  • Dorothea BrandtWuppertal
  • Prof. Lioba BraunKöln
  • Angela DavisWuppertal
  • Sabine FalterKöln
  • Uta Christina GeorgKöln
  • Ingeborg GreinerKöln
  • Ruth HartmannKöln
  • Prof. Mario HoffKöln
  • Prof. Claudia Kunz-EisenlohrAachen
  • Prof. Brigitte Lindner, Dean Department 4 – Köln
  • Martin Lindsay, Vice Dean Department 4 – Köln
  • Matthias MinnichKöln
  • Yoo-Chang NahKöln
  • Prof. Mirella HagenKöln

Gesang / Barockgesang

  • Prof. Kai WesselKöln

Korrepetition Gesang

  • Eleonora ReznikKöln
  • Klaus RothKöln
  • Stefan RütterKöln
  • Hanyoung YooKöln
  • Peter BortfeldtAachen
  • Ulrich DeppeWuppertal
  • Jeremy HulinAachen
  • Young-Ah KimKöln
  • Tobias KoltunAachen
  • Matthias ReinAachen

Korrepetition Gesang, Begleitung szenischer Unterricht

  • Anvar AbdikakharovAachen

Korrepetition Gesang, Liedgestaltung

  • Bernhard GaubeAachen

Korrepetition Gesang, Szenischer Unterricht

  • Denis IvanovKöln

Korrepetition Gesang/Opernschule

  • Georg LeißeKöln

Korrepetition, Ensemble Gesang, Dirigieren

  • Raimund LaufenAachen


  • Prof. Stephan Wehr, Vice Dean Department 4 – Köln

Szenisch-dramatischer Unterricht, Ariendarstellung

  • Oliver KloeterKöln

Szenischer Grundunterricht, Ariendarstellung

  • Andreas DurbanKöln

Szenischer Unterricht

  • Prof. Gabriele Rech, Geschäftsführende Direktorin Standort Aachen – Aachen
  • Prof. Thilo ReinhardtKöln
  • Thomas BrausAachen
  • Tobias LehmannAachen

Szenischer/Dramatischer Unterricht

  • Zeljka PreksavecKöln

Szenisches Spiel

  • Eva BächliKöln

Sprecherziehung, Szenisches Spiel

  • Banu BökeKöln


  • Arne WillimczikKöln
  • Prof. Timo HandschuhAachen

Current events

Konzertsaal Wuppertal Wuppertal
Konzertsaal Wuppertal Wuppertal
Festwoche: »Noten, die verboten waren«
Kammermusiksaal Köln
Festwoche: »Noten, die verboten waren«
Finalrunde Internationaler Musikwettbewerb Köln / Gesang
Konzertsaal Köln
Finalrunde Internationaler Musikwettbewerb Köln / Gesang
Ein Finger zeigt auf einen Notenständer mit Noten.
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Portrait Prof. Brigitte Lindner
Prof. Brigitte Lindner
Dean Department 4
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Unter Krahnenbäumen 87
50668 Köln