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Highest key

For all those who have a Master in Musicology, Music Education or Dance Studies and wish to pursue an academic career related to music and dance, the university offers the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. The Cologne University of Music and Dance has the right to award doctorates in the fields of musicology, music education, dance studies and musician's medicine, which are represented by academic professorships. Through the doctorate, students attain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.). The doctoral degree is the highest academic degree awarded in Europe.

Research work under the supervision of academic professors at the Cologne University of Music and Dance can be taken up in various sub-disciplines of the doctoral subjects. The University also supports innovative and practice-relevant research projects as well as interdisciplinary concepts. In addition to professional supervision by the doctoral supervisor, all doctoral students at the university have the opportunity to have research projects discussed in research and doctoral colloquia.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the relevant contact person(s).

Basic information

Degree Doctorate

The path to a doctorate

The admission requirements for the doctorate and the extent of the academic achievements that may be required vary depending on the previous academic achievements and degrees of the applicants. Detailed information on this can be found in the doctoral regulations.

  1. Admission to doctoral studies,
  2. if applicable, completion of additional course work in accordance with the doctoral regulations and preparation of a dissertation thesis,
  3. oral final examination (disputation).

Admission requirements

General admission requirements include adequate command of written and spoken German. Further admission requirements are:

  • Submission of an exposé of the planned dissertation of 20,000 to a maximum of 26,000 characters. The exposé should include the following points: Working title, justification of the choice of topic, approach and methods used, description of the expected research output, time schedule. Dissertations are generally to be carried out according to the rules of scientific work and must contain a relevant, independently produced contribution to research.
  • The declaration of willingness of an academic professor of the Cologne University of Music and Dance to supervise. If you are considering writing a dissertation, the first thing you should do is contact a suitable professor, ask for advice and clarify the question of possible supervision.

In addition to the doctoral regulations, the download area contains a leaflet on admission, a registration form and information on guidelines for the composition of the exposé.

PhD Committee

The doctoral committee decides on admission to the doctoral program. After completion of the course work and completion of the dissertation, the doctoral candidate can register for the doctoral procedure. The procedure includes the review of the dissertation by the supervisor and by another subject representative. The doctoral committee decides on the basis of the reviews whether to accept or reject the thesis and its grade. If the thesis is accepted, the final part of the examination is the disputation.


Dissertation publication

Science thrives on questioning, reflecting, researching - and on communication. In order to make the results of research generally accessible and to introduce them into professional discourse, all colleges and universities are required to publish dissertations. The doctoral candidates have to take care of the publication themselves. Only then will they receive the doctoral certificate with the seal of the Cologne University of Music and Dance and the right to use the doctoral degree.


Documents & Downloads


Portrait Prof. Dr. Arnold Jacobshagen
Prof. Dr. Arnold Jacobshagen
Telephone +49 / (0)221 / 28380 - 362
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Unter Krahnenbäumen 87
50668 Köln