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Jazz/Pop instrumental/vocal

Personality development as a study.

The master's program for the instrumental subjects (incl. voice) is offered as a two-year specialization program. For the selected students, it continues the idea of increasing individualization, which was already established in the bachelor's program.

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact the responsible contact person(s).

Basic information

Degree Master of Music
Period of study 4 Semester
Course begin Wintersemester
ECTS points 120 Credits
Major subjects E-Bass, Flöte Jazz, Gesang Jazz/Pop, Gitarre Jazz/Pop, Improvisation Jazz, Klarinette Jazz/Pop, Klavier Jazz/Pop, Kontrabass Jazz/Pop, Latin-Percussion, Posaune Jazz, Saxophon Jazz/Pop, Schlagzeug Jazz/Pop, Singer/Songwriter, Trompete Jazz/Pop, Viola Jazz/Pop, Violine Jazz/Pop, Violoncello Jazz/Pop

Additional information

It is also possible to study with other major instruments.

Impressions from the study program
Unterrichtssituation mit einem Studierenden und Professor am Klavier.
Unterrichtssituation mit einer Studierenden mit Keyboard und Professor mit einer Gitarre im Tonstudio.
Unterrichtssituation Jazz / Pop Schlagzeug mit Professor und Studierender.
Unterrichtssituation Jazz / Pop Schlagzeug mit Professor und Studierender.
Schlagzeugspieler und Studierender mit Gitarre auf einer Bühne.

Applications are submitted online via the muvac platform. All information on the procedure can be found on our application page.

Admission requirements

  • Proof of successful completion of a Bachelor's degree
  • Applicants who have not graduated from a German-speaking institution must prove that they have sufficient German language skills (min. level A2 according to the European Framework of Reference).
  • Successfully passed aptitude test


The aptitude test takes place upon invitation and on the basis of the evaluation of the application documents.
The aptitude test consists of two parts:

  1. The first part of this examination is a concert of max. 20 minutes in length with the candidate's own ensemble. The choice of concert repertoire is up to the applicants.
  2. The second part of the practical aptitude test is a colloquium. This colloquium is based on a written outline of an idea for the master's program. In this outline, applicants should state which educational goals are to be achieved during the course of study and specifically which of HfMT's teaching offerings and resources they would like to use in achieving these goals (in addition to the topic of main subject teaching, additional subjects from HfMT Cologne's course offerings should also be considered; reading the course catalog is recommended). The outline must be submitted with the application documents.


Master's students work, supervised by a mentor from among the teaching staff, in a study environment tailored to their individual needs. We offer, among other things:

  • Classes with several - if necessary also changing - main subject teachers
  • A wide range of opportunities to make your artistic presence felt both within the university and externally during your studies, be it through concerts, use of the university's own studio/label for record productions, or the direction of university and other ensembles.
  • To benefit from the expertise of all those teaching in the department, in close consultation with the tutor*. There is the possibility of creating needed courses specifically for Master's students or tailoring existing courses to meet their needs, as departmental resources permit.


You can find a list of our lecturers on the following page.

Posaune Jazz

  • Prof. Shannon BarnettKöln

The music market in the jazz and pop sector is diverse and dynamic. The course content and advisory services are designed to optimally prepare students for this. The lecturers on the degree programs support students in planning their individual careers. The Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in jazz/pop qualify graduates to work successfully nationally and internationally as performing musicians, studio musicians, songwriters, composers, arrangers and producers, as well as in the artistic and educational field.

Current events

Big Band der HfMT Köln
Konzertsaal Köln
Big Band der HfMT Köln
Festwoche: Jazz/Pop Konzert
Kammermusiksaal Köln
Festwoche: Jazz/Pop Konzert
Spitzentöne Konzert- und Tanzgeschichte*n VII/X
Konzertsaal Köln
Spitzentöne Konzert- und Tanzgeschichte*n VII/X
Ein Finger zeigt auf einen Notenständer mit Noten.
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