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Dance as an artistic, mediating, and scholarly-research practice is physically, exploratively, and reflectively central to the three courses in Department 7/ZZT.

Hub for dance and dance research

The Center for Contemporary Dance at the Cologne University of Music and Dance forms an important hub for dance and dance research within the contemporary dance landscape. The three degree programs BA Dance, MA Dance Education and MA Dance Studies convey practices and perspectives of performative dance art, dance education and dance studies. This constellation, unique in Germany, forms an inspiring, artistic-practical as well as research-oriented study environment in which interdisciplinary work and experiments are carried out.

In addition to the bachelor's and master's degrees, the Department 7/ZZT is the only institution in Germany to offer the possibility of a doctorate (Dr. phil.) in dance studies since 2009 and hosts the Forschungskolleg Tanzwissenschaft, which offers an institutional and content-related connection for international researchers in cooperation with the German Dance Archive Cologne.

Ein langgestricktes Gebäude mit großen Fenstern

The dance in Cologne Nippes

The Center for Contemporary Dance / Department 7 of the Cologne University of Music and Dance is located in Nippes, a central, urban and lively Cologne neighborhood, with spacious facilities: seven dance studios, a Pilates studio, a 150-seat studio theater and several seminar rooms, a reference library and an online media room accessible to students. The professors and instructors are internationally renowned.


Center for Contemporary Dance
Cologne University of Music and Dance
Turmstrasse 3-5
50733 Köln

Latest news

Research grant for the Forschungskolleg Tanzwissenschaft
The Forschungskolleg Tanzwissenschaft is interested in supporting high-profile and interdisciplinary dance studies research that explicitly works with the collection of the Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln.

The fellowship is aimed at national and international, postgraduate and postdoctoral academics who deal with gender-specific issues or methodological approaches in their research. Particularly good news: thanks to the generous support of the Equal Opportunities Department of the Cologne University of Music and Dance, the grant can be increased to 3,000 euros this year.
The grant is linked to a compulsory stay of 4-6 weeks in Cologne during the semester periods (October-January or April-June) as well as a presentation, discussion or workshop on your own research within the framework of FB7:ZZT or events of the Dance Archive. This is intended to promote a return flow of innovative ideas from historical research into dance and dance studies mediation practice. The stay at the ZZT must begin in 2024.

Prolonged Application deadline: July 1st

Further information on the application

Bewegungsmelder: The first reviews are online!

The nrw landesbuero tanz, and the Master's program in Dance Studies at the Center for Contemporary Dance are cooperating in the emerging dance journalism workshop from NRW to open up national cultural reporting on the independent dance scene in NRW to the next generation - and to give dance in NRW more publicity.

The first reviews have now been published: Lynn Kuhfuß writes about David Dawson's “Metamorphosis” and “Affairs of the heart” at Ballett Dortmund: “… ein poetischer Raum zum Eintauchen in das unaufhaltsame Fließen der Bewegungen“.
In “Zeitgrenzraummaschine” by Yoshie Shibahara, Svenja Hoffeller notes the experience of “… in einer Maschine zu stecken, die sich an den Grenzen der Zeit und des Raumes bewegt."
And Swantje Kawecki goes on a journey into the parallel universe of teenage existence with “Synapsen”, the new piece for young audiences by Julia Mota Cavalho und Marcela Ruiz auf eine Reise ins Paralleluniversum des Teenagerdaseins.

Moving Introductions:
MA Mediation in Dance students lead audience formats for Sommerblut, TanzKöln and Impulse

In cooperation with the Sommerblut, Impulse and TanzKölnn festivals, students from the MA Mediation in Dance are developing 30-minute moving introductions for selected performances. These low-threshold offers invite audience members to get in the mood for the subsequent theater experience together and in motion before attending performances.

Viola Cantù kicked things off on the opening evening of the Sommerblut festival with “Until the Beginnings” by Stephanie Thiersch/MOUVOIR and Alesandra Soutin/École des Sables and Ada Sternberg together with Mechthild Kreuser (as a guest) before “Sulle Sponde del Lago” by Forward Dance Company.

On the following evenings, you can take part in a moving introduction free of charge after purchasing a ticket:

Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17, both at 6.45 pm with Bettina Nampé and Ada Sternberg respectively before the Nederlands Dans Theater's guest performance with choreographies by Crystal Pite, Ohad Naharin and Nadev Zellner at the Staatenhaus

Sunday, May 19 at 6.45 pm with Lucia Nordhoff before “Jezebel” by Cherish Menzo at the Sommerblut Festival in the Orangerie

Saturday, June 1 at 8 pm with Romi Okewu and on Sunday, June 2 at 5 pm with Renato Sbardelotto before “Old White Clowns” by Mark Merker at the Impulse Theater Festival in TanzFaktur

Wednesday, June 5 at 8 pm with Ada Sternberg and Saturday, June 8 at 7.30 pm with Bettina Nampé before “Lounge” by Marga Alfeirão at the Impulse Theater Festival at TanzFaktur

Friday, June 14, Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16, each at 7.15 pm with Viola Cantù, Lucia Nordhoff, Romi Okewu and Renato Sbardelotto before “More Than” by Shahar Binyamini at Depot 2

We look forward to seeing you!

WelcomeWalks: city walks as a process of encounter
In May and June, following the seminar “Reading and Understanding Urban Places” with Gabriele Reuter, students of the BA Dance specialization Mediation in Dance will conduct five different WelcomeWalks for five different people with refugee experience. The WelcomeWalk project is a collaboration between the Cologne Volunteer Agency and the Center for Contemporary Dance at the Cologne University of Music and Dance.
During the WelcomeWalk, one person with and one person without refugee experience meet for three walks and explore Cologne together.

Both sides of a WelcomeWalk tandem benefit: They experience Cologne through different eyes and get to know new places and people. The special thing about the WelcomeWalk is the meeting at “eye level”, i.e. the WelcomeWalk is not designed as an aid project with a corresponding power imbalance, but as an encounter process from which both sides benefit because both sides can help shape it.
How can impulses be formulated in a joint exchange that can be an inspiration to explore the urban space of Cologne?
What places are there in Cologne? What is there in these places? How can specific places in Cologne be experienced and explored aesthetically?
How can dance and movement possibly be a medium for experiencing specific places in Cologne's urban space?

The Cologne Volunteer Agency has been running the WelcomeWalk since March 2016, and 650 WelcomeWalk tandems have come together so far. This gives students the opportunity to develop small formats from an artistic and mediating perspective that allow them to experience places in Cologne in an aesthetic way.


RELAY at the ImPulsTanz Symposium

Titled LACE#2: Mediating Touch, the ImPulsTanz Symposium will take place from July 26-28, 2024 in Vienna, Austria. The Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships project RELAY - Thinking Artistic Material in Music and Dance will be represented on July 28 with the Deep Dive workshop series “Relay-ing” and a panel.

The artistic research project RELAY investigates the materiality of movement and sound and the transformation that takes place when these are transferred between people, places, contexts and across time.

The ImPulsTanz workshops will give participants an insight into the methods and tools that RELAY has developed over the course of the project to date. These tools interweave physical, reflexive and documentary practices and explore how knowledge is created through transfer and transmission.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The workshops and the panel will be held in English.


Further information and registration


WORKSHOPS, 2.15 - 3.45 pm

Introduction by Konstantinos Tsakirelis and Rasmus Ölme



Three women combining different disciplines - history, archaeology and choreography - we share our desire for discovery. Embedded within all three practices lies the notion of listening, noticing, multidimensionality, and awareness, which can be used as creative tools. As part of the deep dive we like to share aspects of our creative process that infuses our practices. We will try to trace through all the senses the impact of history on different sites and how it connects different communities.

This workshop will be facilitated by Stella Malliaraki, Vera Sander and Evita Tsakalaki.



To start with we would like to propose a collective soundpainting exercise in which we will create a composition together in real time using voice, body, and environment.

From here, we continue to explore our bodies as transmitters - between 2 or more other bodies, between spaces, spots, moments, in playful and meaningful ways, in sound and movement and any other means of communication, in and between conventional and unconventional spaces such as staircases, corridors, lobbies etc.

To end with, we offer ways of  taking time for listening, exploring, contemplating the artistic material in the making, and meditating upon the material that we carry away and the material that we leave behind.

This workshop will be facilitated by Jan Burkhardt, Cătălin Crețu, and Andreea Duta.



In this workshop we will share practices and scores that were developed in the making of the ARTwork, a shape-changing sculpture that has been made by all participants of the RELAY project.

The scores are suggestions for entering collaboration without the need for consensus as a starting point, but through a direct engagement with diverse artistic materials. By paying attention to what is already in the room, the idea is to let common themes and interests emerge from practice.

The workshop will be facilitated by Maia Means and Max Wallmeier.

PANEL 4 - 6 pm

The workshops start with an introduction into RELAY and the “Relay-ing” methods. Participants will then have the possibility to choose one of the three workshops. After the workshops, a joined “smuggling” session with all workshop participants will provide insight into the material developed in all three workshops.

"RELAY - Thinking Artistic Material in Music and Dance" is a three-year artistic research project made possible by the ERASMUS+ program "Cooperation Partnerships". Cooperation partners: Danish National School of Performing Arts (DASPA, Copenhagen), Sikinnis (Heraklion), Hochschule für Musik und Tanz (HfMT, Cologne), National University of Music Bucharest (UNMB, Bucharest), National Dance Center Bucharest (CNDB, Bucharest) and National University of Theater and Film, Romania (UNATC, Bucharest).